The project

      The AvoMakers projects, officially started in September 2014, is the ITIS Avogadro idea incubator for all the students who want to realize their own project under the supervision of a teacher. Moreover the project is very remarkable for allowing students to get the access to special collaborations with the most important universities (e.g. Politecnico di Torino) and research institutions (e.g. INRIM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) of our city.

      By this way students can undertake their work being sure to be followed by teachers and scientists who help them during each phase of their projects. This activity has been started in order to show that is possible to do research even in high schools, and we are pretty sure it has a very positive impact on the students, who now actually have the possibility to get in touch with the "Science world".

      Of course, as for every projects undertaken in ITIS Avogadro, the management of the project itself is also performed by students as teachers just play the role of coordinators and supervisors.

Very important is even the collaboration with AvoVideo project to realize videos and other multimedia projects.


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